King Charles' Coronation is coming up fast! The St Neots' community has lots going on to celebrate the occasion, most notably a live screening of the Coronation itself on the Market Square. There will also be free face painting and balloon modelling as well as the opportunity to decorate your own crown! Find out more on the Town Council's website.
Speaking of the Town Council, if you enter their new Coronation Art Competition you could win a Free Craft Experience with us! The competition is free to enter an open to ages 3 to 16 years. All you have to do is create a Royal Coronation themed artwork of His Majesty the King to celebrate his Coronation on the 6th of May. You can create your piece in any way you like, whether that be drawing, painting, sculpting or crafting - nothing is off limits! The entry deadline is the 3rd of May - see poster below for all details!

You may also like to pop into our lovely studio and create your own celebratory Coronation piece. Maybe a special mug or plate? If you do, you're in luck because we're give you a free studio fee for any Coronation themed pottery! To give you some ideas check out this King Charles Coronation plate painted by one of our talented Studio Assistants - isn't it amazing?!
Simply head over to our website and book your painting slot and we'll give you your free studio fee on the day!

If you're still looking for things to do to celebrate there will also be an afternoon concert on the day of the Coronation at the lovely Riverside Park with plenty of live entertainment, a small funfair and food and drink! Find out more here.