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3D Baby Casting

We are now offering beautiful 3D castings of your baby's tiny hands and feet. Our 3D casts pick up high levels of detail, meaning you'll be able to see all of their little lines and creases. All casts come framed with an engraved name plaque.

Price for hand and foot in 10x12" Frame - £150

We have a broad range of frames and the casts can be done in a colour of your choice.

Our casting can be done from Age 0 and we currently have a maximum age of 24 months. The casting process is completely safe and the materials used are designed specifically for use on skin. The process requires us to hold your baby's hand/foot in a material called alginate which starts off as a liquid and sets within a couple of minutes to a rubber-like consistency. The set alginate is soft so baby's hand/foot can be gently removed and is also made from natural ingredients. 

Once the alginate mould is made we complete the casting, decorating and framing process which can take about 5 weeks as the casts have to dry fully before decorating. We then email to let you know your beautiful casts are ready to collect!

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