Being a grown up isn’t easy. Along with having to do day to day ‘adulting’, there’s a whole bunch of life events that get thrown your way that can really knock you in the worst way possible. We deal with a lot, from every day stresses and pressures to heartache and grief on many levels.
Sometimes it’s difficult to get escape from the whirlwind within your own brain. That’s when you need a distraction. It can be difficult to motivate yourself, especially if you’re feeling a bit low or ultra-stressed.
But a spot of artsy stuff can do wonders for the soul.
We have many adult visitors who will come along alone or sometimes in pairs or groups, just to escape from the outside world and get stuck into a spot of art therapy. The lovely thing is that the majority of them are not experts at painting and for many people, it’s their first time. Sometimes just zoning out is just what they need to do. They know that we’re always on hand to give advice and make their experience as pleasurable as possible so that they get to relax and forget about everything else for a few hours.
It’s worth noting that along with being open Monday to Sunday in the day, we also put on Adults Evenings and often run workshops at these aimed at beginners. You can even bring wine with you if you fancy a tipple while you create!
Come and have a go to find out what we’re all about and how a spot of pottery painting can work for you and your inner peace. And just remember- you’re doing great, after all, your success rate of getting through bad days is 100% so far!