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If pre-ordering for prints to be done at a group/nursery/venue you don't need to purchase paint.

Tiny toes turned into cute Mistletoes with the name and age of your little one and "Mistletoes" written underneath and finished off with a red ribbon and a red or green rim.


Writing will be done in black.


Plate Options & Max Ages: 

Tree Plate - 1 year

Coupe Dinner - 2 and a half years

Rimmed Dinner - 1 and a half years

Square Coupe - 2 and a half years

Star Plate - 1 and a half years


We have max ages to ensure that your little one's footprint can fit onto the piece.


Please note that this item is only available for nursery/toddler/baby groups where we have arranged a date to visit. If you are wanting to make this design then please head to our bookings page and book a print session.

Mistletoes Footprint Plate

PriceFrom £27.00