Footprint turned into spiderman with your choice of writing and child's name and age around the print. Dots will be in the same colour as spider man print; red and blue.
All writing will be done in black. Writing idea: "Daddy is my Super Hero!"
Mug Options
1st & 2nd image - Latte Mug
3rd image - Jumbo Mug
4th image - Standard Mug
Maximum Ages
Latte Mug - 2 years
Standard Mug - 9 months
Jumbo Mug - 2 years
Price includes all decoration, firing and glazing.
Please note that this item is only available for nursery/toddler/baby groups where we have arranged a date to visit. If you are wanting to make this design then please head to our bookings page and book a print session.
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PriceFrom £18.00