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Today is Superman Day!

It’s probably a little known date in the calendar, but yes, today is indeed Superman Day!

The general idea behind Superman Day is based around having a bit of fun and paying tribute to one of our best known superheros. So whether you fancy popping on your cape and lycra tights or taking measures to save the planet from evil, get your friends together and celebrate the life and times of the well loved fictional character (but please do not jump off buildings in an attempt to fly- chances are, you won’t be able to)

At Crafty Monkey, we are fortunate enough to have had a visit from the great man himself as he dropped by to try his hand at a spot of pottery painting. So, what did he choose to paint? Was it a bird? Was it a plane? Not exactly, he chose a gnome..we can only assume that Superman is partial to a spot of gardening when he’s not busy being a hero!